- 17 OCT 2017
Prime Minister Rowley Receives Police Manpower Report

The Trinidad and Tobago Police Manpower Audit Committee presented its more than 600-page report to Prime Minister, Dr the Honourable Keith Rowley, today at the Office of the Parliament.
The Prime Minister assured that he will immediately take the report to Cabinet this Thursday (October 19, 2017) and thereafter to Parliament’s Joint Select Committee on National Security.
He indicated that Government will use the report as the blueprint for the road ahead with respect to the transformation of the police service.
The Prime Minister also reiterated a point he has made on several occasions referring to members of the police force, “You can’t wear the uniform and be a criminal. There ought to be a zero tolerance policy for persons who enter into the service and demonstrate an unsuitability for the job.”
Professor Ramesh Deosaran, who led the committee, said the report contains several powerful recommendations and is based on facts and not just anecdotal data.
He noted the social and economic value of implementing the recommendations included in the report and commended the Prime Minister for ensuring that the Committee felt confident to pursue its mandate.
Prime Minister Dr. Rowley thanked committee members for their “public-spiritedness” and contribution to national development. Dr. Rowley also called on citizens to participate in public service as it is “honourable work”.
Over the past nine (9) months, the work of the Committee, included:
- Examining the existing manpower strength at all ranks and related units of the Police Service;
- An examination of the developmental policies and the current standards and practices in the recruitment, deployment, training and career progression of officers;
- Making a qualitative and quantitative assessment of the extent to which the expected levels of efficiency, effectiveness and accountability have been achieved.