- 03 JAN 2018
Petrotrin Board Reports to Prime Minister

Prime Minister Dr the Honourable Keith Rowley today (Wednesday 03 January, 2018) received a promised status report from the Petrotrin board detailing the progress made in the months since its appointment in September. The meeting featured discussions on the various options available as work continues towards restructuring the wholly State-owned company.
Throughout 2017 Government continued its systematic review of the operations at Petrotrin. It was in June 2017 that Prime Minister Rowley received a comprehensive report from the Petrotrin Review Committee which he appointed in March 2017.
The establishment of the Petrotrin Review Committee followed a Cabinet decision that called for an assessment of operations at the energy company in light of falling revenues, allegations of mismanagement and decreasing oil prices worldwide.
Minister of Energy and Energy Affairs, Senator the Honourable Franklin Khan, Minister of Finance, the Honourable Colm Imbert, Minister of Planning and Development, the Honourable Camille Robinson-Regis, Minister of Public Utilities, Senator the Honourable Robert Le Hunte, Minister in the Ministry of the Attorney General and Legal Affairs and the Office of the Prime Minister, the Honourable Stuart Young and Minister in the Ministry of Finance, Senator the Honourable Allyson West attended today’s meeting.
The members of Petrotrin’s Board of Directors are: Wilfred Espinet (Chairman), Reynold Ajodhasingh (Deputy Chairman), Anthony Chan Tack, Nigel Edwards, Joel Harding, Selwyn Lashley, Eustace Nancis, Linda Rajpaul and Randhir Rampersad.