- 19 DEC 2018
Prime Minister Dr the Honourable Keith Rowley met the Oilfield Worker’s Trade Union (OWTU)

Minister of Energy and Energy Industries, the Honourable Franklin Khan, Minister of National Security, Communications and Minister in the Office of the Prime Minister, the Honourable Stuart Young, Minister in the Office of the Attorney General and Legal Affairs, the Honourable Fitzgerald Hinds, Minister in the Ministry of Finance, the Honourable Alyson West and Permanent Secretary to the Prime Minister, Maurice Suite also participated in the meeting.
The union was represented by President General Ancel Roget, General Secretary, Richard Lee and Chief Education and Research Officer, Ozzie Warwick.
During the meeting Prime Minister Rowley reiterated his commitment to the OTWU regarding the refinery at Pointe-a-Pierre, which he communicated to the union in a letter dated 18 September, 2018. In that letter the Prime Minister said if the union was able to “to present and commit to the rigours of an acceptable business proposal then the Government will treat it with the dignity and respect it deserves.”
The Prime Minister indicated that he was looking forward to the receipt of the union’s proposal and reminded them that the company intends to issue a Request for Proposals in the not too distant future.
The subject of retirees, casual and temporary workers and Dr Rowley’s announcement in Parliament on Monday 17 December, 2018 of the availability of land for former Petrotrin workers also formed part of the discussions.