- 08 MAY 2017
Prime Minister Rowley at work in Tobago

Prime Minister, Dr. the Honourable Keith Rowley instructed Minister of State in the Office of the Prime Minister with responsibility for Central Administration Services, Tobago (CAST), the Honourable Ayanna Webster-Roy to closely examine the Auditor General’s Report and address the issues related to her office. The CAST internal auditor will assist the Minister with this exercise.
The Prime Minister gave the directive while meeting with Minister Webster-Roy and CAST divisional heads today (May 8, 2017) at the Office of the Prime Minister, Tobago.
Minister Webster-Roy and her staff were also asked to expedite the collection of different categories of data to assist Government in its policy and decision making. CAST co-ordinates matters related to Tobago, for which the Tobago House of Assembly does not have oversight. These include National Security, Foreign Affairs, Civil Aviation and the Judiciary.
During the meeting Prime Minister Rowley addressed several issues including the timely compilation of pension and leave records for staff. He asked that they undertake the continuous updating of these records so as to ensure retired persons do not experience undue delays in collecting their payments after retirement.
He also used the opportunity to dispel the misconception that all Ministries and Departments are required to hire new staff for procurement units as a consequence of the implementation of the procurement legislation. He indicated that this was not accurate since persons who are already employed can be trained to adequately perform the duties and meet the requirements of the law.
The Prime Minister returned to Trinidad after concluding these meetings.