- 16 MAY 2020
Prime Minister’s Media Conference- Saturday 16th May, 2020

The entire manufacturing and construction sector will be allowed to return to work on Thursday 21st May, 2020 as the Government continues to ease COVID-19 restrictions.
Prime Minister Dr the Hon Keith Rowley said today Phase 2, initially scheduled to begin on May 24th, 2020 will now commence earlier due to favourable testing results.
Phase 2 will also include the reopening of :
* Auto repair/parts and tyre shops
* Laundry and dry cleaning services
Public transportation will still be required to operate at a 50% passenger capacity.
The Prime Minister said, as a result, a one-time payment of a TTD2,000 Fuel Support Grant will be made available for registered maxi-taxi and taxi operators.
The Ministry of Finance and the Ministry of Works and Transport will coordinate this effort. Further details are expected in the coming days.
Noting that domestic workers and personal services like spas and barbershops present a great risk in the spread of COVID-19, Dr Rowley urged employers/employees of these establishments to have patience, saying that it was still too early to open these areas. In an effort to assist these persons, he announced that the Ministry of Social Development will now give priority to those employed in this sector.
Dr Rowley said as the Government eases restrictions, police officers together with District Medical Officers will execute patrols to ensure compliance with the Public Health Regulations.
Prime Minister Rowley said Trinidad and Tobago’s borders remain closed, except for the managed introduction of persons from the outside which include UWI students from the Barbados and Jamaica campuses.
He also encouraged businesses to implement a No Mask/No Service policy.