- 30 MAY 2020
Prime Minister’s Media Conference- Saturday 30th May, 2020

Prime Minister Dr the Hon Keith Rowley has announced a further relaxation of the COVID-19 restrictions during a media conference today (Saturday 30 May 2020) at the Diplomatic Center, St Anns.
From Monday, June 01, 2020:
– All Retail Businesses will be allowed to reopen but must close at 6 pm.
– The entire public service will be allowed to resume work from Monday. All Managers will be asked to report for duty on June 01, 2020, while other members of staff will be allowed to report for duty on a rotation (every other day).
– Hotels that have outdoor dining facilities will be allowed to serve their guests
– Maxis and taxis will be required to continue operating at 50 per cent capacity.
– Professional service providers can resume work.
– Air transport to Tobago will resume to meet the demand for flights.
– All the activities of the National Lotteries Control Board will resume.
– Gatherings will remain at 5. Funerals will be allowed to have gatherings of 10.
From June 08, 2020:
– Hairdressers, Barbers and Domestic Workers will be allowed to resume duties.
From June 22, 2020:
– Places of Worship will be allowed to reopen.
– Beaches and Rivers will be opened.
– Sporting Activities will be allowed to resume.