- 23 SEP 2021
Prime Minister’s Media Conference – Thursday 23rd September, 2021.

Trinidad and Tobago will launch the TT Safe Zones initiative from Monday 11th October, 2021.
These safe zones will allow fully vaccinated members of the public to access cinemas, bars, restaurants, gyms and casinos.
Prime Minister Dr the Hon. Keith Rowley made the announcement during a media conference held at the Diplomatic Centre, St Ann’s today (Thursday 23rd September, 2021).
Minister in the Office of the Prime Minister, the Hon. Stuart Young outlined that members of the public will be required to present proof of their COVID-19 vaccination status to these establishments. Minister Young said the owners of each establishment will be allowed to operate at 50 percent capacity and will be required to be staffed with fully vaccinated employees. He stated that the owners of the establishments will be subject to fines as the Government looks to implement a tiered penalty system.
Minister Young also said in the upcoming weeks the Ministry of Health along with the Ministry of Digital Transformation will produce digital vaccination cards.
Prime Minister Rowley added that there will be serious consequences for people who produce or use false vaccination documents.
Dr Rowley also announced the following:
– All fully vaccinated secondary students in forms form, five and six will be allowed to attend face-to-face classes at school from Monday 4th October, 2021.
– From Monday 27th September the existing curfew hours will be adjusted from 9 p.m. to 5 a.m. to 10 p.m. to 5 a.m.
– The Government will consider the re-opening of beaches and sporting activities in two weeks’ time.