- 20 JUN 2017
Thank you to the ODPM, Met Office and Other First Responders

Today, in the aftermath of Tropical Storm Bret, I want to thank all those who worked tirelessly to prepare us for the storm’s passage and those who continue to render assistance to those who still require help.
I want to especially commend the Office of Disaster Preparedness (ODPM) under the Ministry of National Security for its management of our preparation and its continued efforts to coordinate relief for those who have been adversely affected by the storm. The work and preparation of the ODPM and supporting agencies began way before Bret was even formed and their preparedness was evident as they skillfully and professionally managed the threat of the tropical storm.
The Trinidad and Tobago Meteorological Service also played a vital role in the effort to minimize the negative effects of the storm by working with the ODPM and dispensing timely information and updates to ensure the safety of people, property and livestock.
The management and staff of all of our public utilities have remained steadfast in their resolve to maintain and restore services throughout the country. To the Water and Sewage Authority (WASA), the Trinidad and Tobago Electricity Commission (T&TEC) and the Telecommunications Services of Trinidad and Tobago (TSTT) I want to say thank you for the dedication demonstrated in the face of the threat.
To all our first responders, who left their own families during a time of uncertainty to serve the national community, we are truly grateful for your commitment to this country.
To those citizens who have been negatively impacted by the storm, rest assured that Government, through the designated agencies, is making every effort to treat with your situation in a timely, efficient and effective manner.
As we look towards the recovery efforts in the coming days, let us thank God for sparing us from more severe damage and let us continue to work together towards complete recovery.